YMCAs in Canada Statement on the Heritage and Identity of the Canadian YMCA
Background on the Statement
As part of our mandate, YMCAs in Canada are very intentional about serving everyone in our communities. In more recent years, there have been questions about our Christian heritage and mission. YMCAs in Canada have not been a Christian organization for some time and have developed a statement to provide a definitive expression of our current reality. The statement below was adopted with unanimous support from YMCAs across Canada at our 2024 YMCA National Conference in June 2024.
YMCAs in Canada work hard every day to create spaces where everyone feels safe, welcome, and a sense of belonging. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity, care, and respect, and should feel like a valued member of the community.
We recognize all forms of diversity to create an environment that welcomes everyone, inclusive of differences such as religion, race, gender, ethnicity, age, ability, background, sexual orientation, and beliefs.
YMCAs in Canada were founded in Christianity in 1851 as the Young Men’s Christian Association. In 1970, YMCAs in Canada made an intentional decision to be more inclusive to serve all Canadians, including all ages, genders, and religions. To reflect this change, since the 1990s, YMCAs in Canada no longer use “Young Men’s Christian Association” and we call ourselves YMCA. The YMCA in Canada is a name, not an acronym.
YMCAs in Canada are proud to be part of a global network of YMCA movements that respond to the needs of the communities they serve. We recognize and respect that YMCAs around the world continue to reflect the original Christian mission as appropriate in their local context. In fulfilling our mission in Canada, we are unwavering in our dedication to working collaboratively with YMCA partners around the world, striving collectively for our shared vision of a more inclusive and welcoming global community.
*We thank and acknowledge the YMCA of Greater Toronto for the development of a statement from which the Halifax Declaration is drawn from.
Frequently Asked Questions
The first YMCA in Canada was opened in Montreal in 1851. Our objectives read in part:
Its object shall be the Religious and Mental Improvement of its members, especially in connection with the study of the Scriptures ¾ [sic] the Union of young men of various churches in this and other plans of usefulness ¾ [sic] and the providing of means of which young men, coming as strangers into the city, may be brought under religious influences among their own class.
The Paris Basis is a global document from 1855 that defined the YMCA mission. YMCAs in Canada endorsed the following in 1856:
The Young Men’s Christian Associations seek to unite those young men who, regarding Jesus Christ as their God and Saviour according to the Holy Scriptures, desire to be His Disciples in their doctrine and in their life, and to associate their efforts for the extension of His Kingdom among young men. Any differences of opinion on other subjects, however important in themselves, shall not interfere with the harmonious relations of the constituent members and associates of the World Alliance.
In 1970, the first York Basis was adopted to reflect the evolution of serving everyone in our community. It read in part:
The Young Men’s Christian Association is a worldwide fellowship dedicated to the growth of persons in spirit, mind, and body and a sense of responsibility to each other and to the human community.
The York Basis was further adopted in 1995 to read:
The YMCA in Canada is dedicated to the growth of all persons in spirit, mind, and body and a sense of responsibility to each other and the global community.
In 1931, our mission was officially changed to be more inclusive. It reads:
The Young Men’s Christian Association is a worldwide fellowship united by a common loyalty to Jesus Christ for the purpose of building Christian personality and a Christian society.
The change in name from "Young Men’s Christian Association" to "YMCA" reflects the evolution and inclusivity of the organization, reflecting our community context.
No, "YMCA" is not an acronym in Canada. It is a name that represents the organization and its commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
YMCAs in Canada are committed to recognizing and respecting all forms of religious and spiritual beliefs, creating an environment that welcomes everyone irrespective of differences such as race, gender, ethnicity, age, ability, background, sexual orientation, or beliefs.
YMCAs in Canada deeply respect the diverse approaches of YMCAs globally, particularly recognizing their Christian missions. While not seeking to change their approaches, the Canadian YMCA is dedicated to clear communication and collaborates with YMCA partners worldwide for a more inclusive and welcoming global community.
YMCAs in Canada are steadfastly committed to these principles both nationally and globally, working collaboratively with YMCA partners worldwide to strive collectively for a more inclusive and welcoming global community.